Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Contest Of Champions 2012 - Great Escape Games, Sacramento

 Just a few days ago, Saturday January 28th - the pack made its way down the mountain for the first tournament of many in THE CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS Escalation Series. Great Escape Games, Sacramento hosts one of the BEST and LARGEST Warhammer 40k Tournaments in California. Over 90 competitors at the 1250pt level and hundreds of dollars in prizes. The competition is INTENSE and BRUTAL. 

 The tournament was huge as usual. Everyone was there to smash face. The Wolfbrothers put up our largest representation yet with seven deep in the pack this time around. We handed out the Murder with no regard. General Travis has even been able to bomb out a battle report already:

A great time was had by all. For General Oadius I know, it was the first time to really try out his new Army:

 Not sure if the standings are posted yet, but the Wolfbrothers fared well. In the upcoming Tournament and Battle report video, General Travis will break down everyone's record going into the third round.
 The competition was fierce as expected, again we left our Mark on Sacramento.

In the End it was General Ian vs General Douglas (ShotDownMind) - and General Ian got his much coveted revenge and cut me down with no mercy. His Necrons with thier little german shoes laughing at me from all corners of the battlefield.... Ill get you next time!!!

...and General Ian, the Spirit of Graabvelt takes BEST OVERALL at the 2012 1250pt Contest of Champions! Undefeated german shoes and all! Orky Lonewolf Madjohn (also secretly pictured and undefeated) takes 2ND BEST OVERALL.