Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sneak ATTACK!!!

Guardsman Marbo spotted moving out with the 444th


  1. Excited to see this army all finished on the tabletop. And get revenge on Oade for my CoC loss!

    You guys plan on running a BAO primer?

    Been talking with the crew and some of them were excited to possibly getting a mini BAO against you guys and see how we can fair and match all the murder and blood you guys spill across the 40k galaxy!

  2. We will certainly have a BAO primer bro, it's just a matter of when. SCP & Zero Comp will be invited to Reno for a club tournament too. Did you do the TL tournament?

  3. Yeah me and my buddy went, but lost by 1pt to Ben for the overall season. That sucked.

    Looking forward to the primer too! We have about 5-6 of us heading to BAO so we'll be coming in force!

  4. 1pt! #$!#^#^#%$@%(^&*!!!! 2nd place is better anyways...

  5. Yeah tell me about. And he had to walk by me to grab the award.

    We had a few more curse words than you just had right there. Worse part is, he is "retiring" to help Mark with the tournament so we can't even get revenge on him.

    Any idea when the primer will be? January or February?
